Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Speeding in Japan can be expensive

I was caught speeding at 170 km/h en route to Hakuba. It was getting late and we had fun in the car and just as Cyd pointed out that I was going too fast and I started to slow down, I saw the flashing red lights in the rear view mirror.

They pulled me over at the nearest highway exit / toll station that allowed for parking. I had to join the two policemen in their unmarked patrol car. The radar screen on their dashboard showed: 112 km/h.

3 points off my license and a 25,000 Yen fine (ca 250 USD)

The speed limit in Japan is 80 km/h.

Had they not cheated on the radar, my license would have been revoked and the fine would have been 10 fold. At first, I tried bargaining for a "chuui" which is a warning without a fine, but when I realized that they were already more than generous, I just agreed to the fine and put my signature and fingerprint under the ticket.