Monday, December 11, 2006

Children Inc

For a number of years, Cyd and I have sponsored poor children in countries like Thailand and Keniya.

I usually pick girls for my sponsorships because I believe traditionally the family spends more of their resources on the education of their male offspring while girls often times get left behind.

I donate money to an organisation named Children Inc. and if you feel the christmas spirit welling up in your heart or you'd just like to give yourself the rewards that come with being charitable, I suggest you visit Children Inc's website and sign up for a sponsorship.

For less than a can of Coca Cola (1 US Dollar) per day, you can put a child through school and change a life!

Here's an excerpt from Children Inc's website:

At Children Inc., you can sponsor a child for as little as $28 a month, but there are other ways to support our mission. Sponsoring individual children here in the US or overseas is the preferred method. Sponsors make a direct impact in the lives of children and find the experience rewarding, enjoying thank you letters and photos from the children. Others choose to donate directly to our US or overseas programs. You can also help by visiting some of our partner websites. By contributing to these funds or visiting the websites listed, you can give even more children the gift of hope.

Make sure you visit:

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