Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Cyd had an accident

Last Saturday, Dec. 2, Cyd dislodged her right shoulder while dancing at a christmas party. 15 years ago she suffered a kick to her shoulder during a Kartate tournament which dislodged her shoulder and since then her arm comes out of her shoulder joint every now and then. Hippocrates has shown us a way to get it back in by pulling down on the arm while putting a fist in the arm pit. Even though, this proceedure is always accompanied by searing pain as the tendons and muscles are stretched and somehow injured.
Curiously, the party went on after Cyd resembled herself and it was only on Sunday morning when Eva tugged on her pyjamas that Cyd started feeling this extraordianry pain. Of course, Sunday. No doctors around, Kaisei hospital, so close to our home, closed for renovations! We spent the whole day seeking help. First at an orthopedic clinic in Motomachi, then in the Central Hospital on Port Island. Cyd in tears all the time; even the vibration in the car too much for her.

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