Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cyd's operation

Yesterday, Jan 23, Cyd underwent surgery at Shin Suma Hospital. Dr. Iwasaki performed an arthoscopy on her right shoulder joint to fix a condition known as "Bankart Lesion".

"Fill out these forms!" we were told... easier said than done.

We checked in at 8:30 am, and then were made to wait till noon for Cyd's turn. The nurse came to get her at 12:20 and they brought her back, still under narcosis, a little before 2 pm.

Dr. Iwasaki came by with pictures he took during the operation and explained what he did.
Arthroscopy allows the orthopaedic surgeon to insert a pencil-thin device with a small lens and lighting system into tiny incisions to look inside the joint. The images inside the joint are relayed to a TV monitor, allowing the doctor to make a diagnosis. Other surgical instruments can be inserted to make repairs, based on what is with the arthroscope. Arthroscopy often can be done on an outpatient basis.

Anaesthesia and painkillers are taxing the human body heavily. Cyd felt nauseous the rest of the day. I kept vigil at her bedside till 6 pm, then we packed up and returned home. She's recovering in her own bed now and is beginning to feel better.

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