Sunday, January 7, 2007

Incredible waste

Cyd and I, after using them for 7 years or so, were forced to upgrade our handheld phones. They worked perfectly well but the battery packs were dying and irreplaceable.

Sony, Panasonic, Motorola, Nokia, just won't allow you to refit your device with new battery packs - no, you have to get a new gadget. The Korean makers are not any better.

It gets worse: after purchasing new phones, we also had to toss out our old charger-cradles as well as all other auxilliary equipment such as car chargers, usb connectors and headphones - a nice pile of high tec garbage - since the new phones came with totally different jacks.

How many cell phone users are there world wide? A billlion? Two? Can you imagine the world wide pile of cell phones and their chargers as they swap phones periodically (I don't know how often, but am certain that Cyd and I belong to the 'slow' crowd as we don't upgrade very often). Look at Chris Jordan's pictures. You can see a bigger version by clicking on them. I highly recommend you also check out his website at

where you can find more samples of his fine photography. (By the way, if you have any connections to galleries in Japan, please post me a comment, as I am trying to set up an exhibition for him in Japan.)

How easy would it be to eliminate this incredible wastefulness with simple legislation that all phones have to be equipped with universal ports so that there is only 1 standard for chargers and headphones? It's like I have to refit my electrical outlets in my home every time I buy a new appliance!

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